Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 1

Wow, today was not at all a good day. I couldn't fall asleep last least not until approximately 4am. So when the alarm went off at 0530, I didn't get up. Great start to the workout program right? I made it to work and put in my 6 hours and came home. Which means I have 2 hours to make up by Wednesday. Fun times.

Anyway, I got to the workout this afternoon. It was brutal. About half way through I realized that I had not eaten enough today and almost passed out. But I did make it through most of the WOD (Work Out of the Day), sans abs.

89 more days to go...

Sunday, August 30, 2009


“Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.”
- Muhammad Ali

Today I'll be documenting my goals. I have tried to make my goals realistic and I hope to not only meet my goals, but exceed them. These are all that I plan to accomplish during this rotation of P90X.

1). Lose 50lbs.--No, it's not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but it is a start.

2). To complete 25 perfect form push ups. As you can imagine, push ups are not easy for a guy like me, but they are a great exercise. And fortunately, this program forces me to do a lot of them. And if I lose weight, they'll be easier to do!

3). To complete 5 standard pull ups without assistance. Again, this isn't a large number, but considering the fact that I cannot do even 1 right now shows the need for such a low number.

4). COMPLETE THE PROGRAM. This is roughly the 4th time that I have attempted this program. I find that it isn't especially challenging, I just seem to have a bit of A.D.D with it. So the goal here is to complete at least 85% of all workouts. If I miss a day, then I'll be making up a day later in the week.

That's it. I begin tomorrow morning at 0600. As I stated earlier, I'll be working out in the morning and in the evening. Since most of these videos are an hour long, I'll do the main program in the morning and come home in the evening to do a skill building exercise and abs. On weight training days I'll be doing some cardio in the evening which will be walking, or hitting the heavy bag for a while. On cardio days I'll be working on push ups, pull ups, abs, etc.

All this being said, I'm going to try to do a daily update...we'll see how that goes.

Monday, August 24, 2009

And so it begins...

As many of you may have known for a while, I have been a big guy (i.e. fat) for most of my life. And with my 3oth birthday coming up very soon (yes, that says 30) I have decided to make a lifestyle change. I have taken up this task many times before and made great strides in doing in my goals. But I haven't ever been this motivated and focused. So here it goes.

I'll be doing the P90x ( program starting Monday, August 31, 2009. I'll also be supplementing the program by doing additional skill work on things that I feel that I am weak at. Some examples of skills that I'll be working on are pushups (I'm a large guy, thus these are difficult), pull ups, overhead squats, etc.

I'll be outlining my goals during this week as I prepare for my adventure. My main goal is to become fit. For my definition of fitness I will be using the crossfit idea ( The article "what is fitness" by Greg Glassman is available for download at I highly recommend anyone starting this sort of endeavor read this article.

Please use your relationship with me to encourage me along the way. So that everyone can keep their last meal to themselves, I will not be posting photos on this site at this time. I might if my results are appealing enough to me at the end of the program. I will make my email address available somewhere on this page and you can email your thoughts to me at any point. I will also allow comments on entries, but reserve the right to remove them if they are filled with profanity. If you prefer to encourage me like a drill sargeant, then feel free.

Finally, if you would like to go about this adventure with me please, by all means, do so.

Thanks everyone!
