Thursday, April 1, 2010

Paleo: Day 1

April 1, 2010. A date that will live in infamy. A date that I walked into my office and there was a bake sale. And I had foldin' money in my pocket. But I kept walking. That's right, I kept walking.

That should be a song. or not. For those of you who are curious, here's what wikipedia has to say about the paleo diet:

Here are my meals for the day:

Breakfast: 3 eggs, scrambled. Bacon (have to get rid of it and I'm not one for wasting food. There are starving people in India, but they probably don't eat pork). 2 cups of broccoli. Yes, that's broccoli. For breakfast. 1 apple and some OJ.

Lunch: 4oz sliced roast beef, 2 cans of tuna and assorted spices and a splash of olive oil, 2 cups celery, and an apple.

Dinner: 2 pork tenderloins, 2 cups of broccoli, 1 cup of grapes, 1/2 cup strawberries and 1 tbsp of apple butter.

Thoughts: I think that the breakfast that I had this morning was one of the better ways to start off the day. I didn't sleep much last night and was awake for the first few hours of work. My energy level slipped off because I went so long without eating, but once I had lunch I immediately felt awake.

I also weighed myself this morning. 332.6 is the starting weight. The goal is 20 pounds by the end of the month. Hopefully about double that will really happen though.

1 comment:

  1. The Wikipedia entry is thorough but it isn't perfect. It isn't at all clear about the lean/fatty meat debate between the followers of Loren Cordain and a slew of others, and pushes lean meat. It is weak on the variations of the diet. Then it restricts fermented beverages. Even butterflies eat fermented fruit. Why wouldn't our paleo ancestors also?

    Here's an explanation that lays out all the variations:
