This rambling does actually have a purpose. At the beginning of April I started blogging about my first attempt at the Paleo Diet (aka: the caveman diet, the hunter-gatherer diet, etc). Well, I am attempting it again. Basically. I am beginning the Whole 30. The Whole 30 is a commitment to 30 days for nothing but solid, good foods. Lean meats, vegatables and fruits. This is to reset my body and hopefully drop some pounds. All while putting up more pounds in the weight room. I came across this blog this past week and the information I read has opened my eyes. The blog is It can get pretty science heavy and throws around some bit words like glucose, cortisol, insulin, etc. I suggest you give the site a glance. I'll post some other links in the coming month.
I will also be following the Whole 9's PTP (power to the people) program for the next 35 days or so. This is a strength program designed to increase my overall strength. I'll be working primarily on the deadlift and the shoulder press. There will be plenty of other exercises thrown in there as well. The PTP is on the Whole 9 website as well.
Now I know that I've said in the past that I'm going to a better job of posting on this thing. I'm still really going to try. I really do enjoy writing. However, there may only be 1 big update a week. I'm going to keep a food journal and also jot down any thoughts or observations about how I'm feeling along the way. I'll try to share that all with you as well.
Hey dude, good luck with the Whole30! Keep Ben on task, and hit me up if there's anything I can do to help you guys. Also, have fun with the PTP stuff!
Thanks Jesse! I'm really enjoying it so far...and only have had a craving for pizza like once. I'm loving the PTP thing as well. I'm kind of thinking about extending it to some other movements that I suck at after it's over.