Monday starts phase 2. The cardio workouts are the same, but the weight-training workouts are different except for the legs. I'm going to make a couple of changes for the month though. I will be changing up the ab routine and changing up the diet. So far, I think I'm about 10lbs lost roughly. I'll be going with a Paleo diet ( as close a possible this month. I say as close as possible because anyone who does a strict paleo is crazy. The goal is fruits, vegetables, and lean meats for a month. No sugar, no eating out, no high fructose corn syrup. No stopping at starbucks in the morning to get a carmel macchiato. No stopping at sonic to get a happy hour beverage.
I say that I won't be sticking to a strict paleo because It's pretty much organic fruits, vegetables, and meats. I don't like milk, so I need to get the nutrients in dairy products some where so I'll have some cottage cheese every now and then as well. Low fat, of course.
And then there will be the abs routine change up. I feel like this is one area were this program is's the same ab routine 3 times a week for 90 days. This needs to be changed up, so I'm going to do so. It's always been really difficult for me to work my obliques, and I don't think that this program does a good job of hitting those, so I'm going to focus on the love handles.
OK, it's 1:30am and I'm tired. This is the longest entry for me since the first one. I'm going to try to add more content to this thing here in phase 2, maybe talk about what I ate that day and such. Stay tuned.
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