Monday, September 7, 2009

Week 1 recap/Begin Week 2

I know, it's been a few days since I've updated. I did complete legs and back on Friday and then came down with a bug that my roommate had for the remainder of the weekend. I skipped kenpo because I wasn't feeling up to it at all. To recap week 1, I felt like it went pretty well. The soreness has passed and I feel like I'm getting back into the groove of working out and eating better.

I did complete the WOD this evening. I really focused on my push ups. They certainly aren't getting any easier. Hopefully in a few weeks they will though. Today I decided to outpace the DVD...since there are lots of breaks in between the movements and I was feeling really good, so I just kept going. I would typically rest only about 30 seconds between each movement.

OK, I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open. Have to go back to work tomorrow...booo!

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